How to Use Shopify’s Abandoned Cart Recovery Features


Reading Time: 4 minutes

Abandoned cart recovery is a crucial strategy for increasing conversions and maximizing revenue in e-commerce.

Shopify provides a variety of tools and features designed to help you recover lost sales by reaching out to clients who have added some items to their cart but failed to complete the purchase.

This comprehensive guide will explore how to effectively use Shopify’s abandoned cart recovery features to boost your store’s performance.

1. Understanding Abandoned Carts


  • Abandoned Cart: An abandoned cart happens when a client adds items to their cart but does not finalize the purchase. This is a common scenario in online shopping, with a significant percentage of carts left unpurchased.


  • Lost Revenue: Abandoned carts represent potential lost revenue. Recovering these sales can significantly impact your store’s profitability.
  • Customer Insights: Analyzing abandoned cart data can provide insights into customer behavior and potential issues in the checkout process.

2. Enabling Abandoned Checkout Emails


  • Automated Emails: Shopify allows you to automatically send recovery emails to customers who have abandoned their carts. This feature is made to remind customers of their pending orders and encourage them to finalize the transaction.

Steps to Enable Abandoned Checkout Emails:

  1. Access Shopify Admin: Go to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Settings: Click on “Settings” at the bottom left corner.
  3. Select Checkout: Choose the “Checkout” option from the settings menu.
  4. Configure Email Notifications: Scroll down to the “Abandoned checkout” section. Here, you can customize the email content and set the timing for sending follow-up emails.
  5. Save Changes: After configuring the settings, make sure to save your changes.

Best Practices:

  • Personalize Emails: Include the customer’s name and details about the items left in their cart to make the email more personalized and relevant.
  • Include Incentives: Offer a discount or free shipping in the recovery email to encourage customers to complete their purchase.
  • Optimize Timing: Experiment with different timing intervals for sending recovery emails to find the optimal window for your audience.

3. Using Shopify’s Abandoned Checkout Recovery Reports


  • Analytics: Shopify provides reports and analytics related to abandoned checkouts. These insights can help you understand trends, measure the effectiveness of your abandoned cart recovery efforts, and identify areas that need improvement.

Steps to Access Reports:

  1. Go to Shopify Admin: Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Analytics: Click on “Analytics” from the left-hand menu.
  3. Select Reports: Choose the “Reports” option.
  4. Find Abandoned Checkouts Report: Look for the “Abandoned checkouts” report to view detailed data on abandoned carts, including the number of abandoned checkouts and recovery rates.

Best Practices:

  • Analyze Trends: Review trends in abandoned carts to identify common issues or patterns.
  • Monitor Recovery Rates: Track the effectiveness of your abandoned cart recovery emails and adjust your strategies based on the data.
  • Segment Data: Segment abandoned cart data by customer demographics or behavior to tailor your recovery strategies more effectively.

4. Implementing Recovery Strategies Beyond Emails


  • Additional Strategies: In addition to automated emails, consider implementing other recovery strategies such as offering coupons and one-time discounts to encourage your chances of recovering abandoned carts.

Best Practices:

  • Combine Tactics: Use a combination of email recovery, popups, and retargeting to maximize your recovery efforts.
  • Test and Optimize: Continuously do A/B testing and optimize accordingly based on performance and customer reviews.

5. Customizing Your Abandoned Cart Recovery Emails


  • Personalization and Branding: Customizing your abandoned cart recovery emails helps to create a cohesive brand experience and increases the likelihood of recovering lost sales.

Steps to Customize:

  1. Access Email Templates: Go to “Settings” and then “Notifications” in your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Edit Abandoned Checkout Email: Find the abandoned checkout email template and click “Edit.”
  3. Personalize Content: Customize the email content to include personalized messages, product details, and branding elements.
  4. Preview and Test: Preview the email to ensure it looks professional and test it to verify that all links and details are accurate.

Best Practices:

  • Clear Call to Action: Include a straightforward call to action in the email to encourage customers to return to their cart and complete the purchase.
  • Mobile Optimization: Make sure that all your emails and communication channels are mobile-friendly and display correctly on all devices.
  • Follow-Up Emails: Consider sending a series of follow-up emails to increase the chances of recovering abandoned carts.


Q1: How often should I use abandoned cart recovery emails to potential clients?

A1: It’s generally effective to send a series of emails. Start with an initial reminder within a few hours of abandonment, followed by another email reminder within 48 hours. You can experiment with additional follow-ups to see what works best for your audience.

Q2: Can I customize the design of my abandoned cart recovery emails?

A2: Yes, Shopify allows you to customize the design of your abandoned cart recovery emails. You can modify the template to include your branding, adjust the layout, and personalize the content.

Q3: What should I include in an abandoned cart recovery email?

A3: Include a clear subject line, a personalized greeting, a summary of the items left in the cart, a strong call to action, and any incentives you’re offering (such as a discount or free shipping). Make sure to include a direct link back to the cart.

Q4: How can I track the effectiveness of my abandoned cart recovery efforts?

A4: Use Shopify’s abandoned checkout reports and analytics to track the number of abandoned carts and the recovery rates.

Q5: Are there any additional tools or apps for abandoned cart recovery on Shopify?

A5: Yes, Shopify offers various apps for abandoned cart recovery that provide additional features, such as advanced email templates, SMS reminders, and retargeting options. visit the Shopify App Store for more information.

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